The Gold Standard Simulator For GI Endoscopy

The GI Mentor is an evidence-based simulator family for training of gastrointestinal upper and lower endoscopic procedures. It offers a comprehensive library of modules with more than 120 tasks and virtual patient cases. The simulators provide multiple training opportunities, starting with constructive endoscopy skill tasks, through true-to-life patient cases ranging from simple diagnostic procedures to advanced ERCP, Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS) and ESD procedures.
The GI Mentor comes in two versions, either the fully loaded GI Mentor on the ENDO Suite platform, or the smaller, portable GI Express.
GI Mentor on Grey's Anatomy
Features and Benefits
- Exclusive simulator for SAGES FES testing, as required by the ABS for all general surgery residency graduates in North America
- Provides an excellent environment for acquiring essential skills, practicing clinical procedures in a safe and realistic manner, and demonstrating one’s proficiency
- Comes with extensive curricula from basic diagnostics, through complex anatomies and emergency cases to challenging procedures
- Educational environment includes aids such as 3D anatomical map, pain indicator and virtual instructor providing dynamic feedback as to trainee’s performance and patient safety
- The most evidence-based simulator for GI endoscopy with over 60 studies including established predictive value
Dr. Gerald Fried
SAGES Past President and Chairman of the Department of Surgery at McGill University
Dr. Robert Schneider, DO, FAAFP, NRMC
Family/Integrated Medicine Program Directorm A.T. Still University, Kirksville, MO
Elizabeth Young
Simulation Program Specialist LSU Health Shreveport
Validation Studies
The time to visualize the papilla, cannulate deeply, reach a diagnosis, complete sphincterotomy, and complete the intervention was significantly shorter for experts when managing cystic leakage, corroborating construct validity of the GI Mentor simulator.
The purpose of this multicenter study was to evaluate the reliability and validity of the hands-on component of the FES examination, and to establish the pass score. Results on the five tasks showed good internal consistency reliability and all had significant correlations with endoscopic experience, suggesting that the setup of the FES simulation exam meets rigorous standards of reliability and validity required for high-stakes examinations, and, together with the knowledge component, may help contribute to the definition and determination of competence in endoscopy.
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Free White Paper
Simulation tools have evolved considerably over time, with the most basic anatomical models replaced by state-of-the-art simulators. Our free white paper looks at the various simulation devices that are available to help teach the next generation of medical professionals. We look at the features, benefits, and things to consider across a range of simulation tools.

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