Simply Master Flexible Endoscopy Skills
The Fundamental Skills module offers didactic tutorials and designated skill tasks to guide the trainee through learning and acquiring competence in GI Flexible Endoscopy essentials. It is aimed at preparing trainees for the performance of endoscopic procedures through a focus on these critical technical elements of endoscopic practice. As such, the module is intended to help trainees prepare for clinical performance, and may be appropriately used in connection with curricular programs such as the American Board of Surgery (ABS) Flexible Endoscopy Curriculum, developed with the help of SAGES and required by the ABS for all general surgery residency graduates beginning in 2018.
* Surg Endosc. 2014 Mar;28(3):701-3. doi: 10.1007/s00464-013-3299-3. Epub 2013 Dec 7.
Learning Objectives:
- To acquire understanding and hands-on competence in GI Endoscopic Navigation, Mucosal Evaluation, Loop Reduction, Retroflexion and Targeting.
- To self-assess one’s hands-on proficiency level in all above mentioned five fundamental skills
- To progress towards mastering the hands-on performance of all five fundamental skills
- To prepare oneself to demonstrate hands-on proficiency in endoscopic fundamental skills
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