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TEE (Transesophageal Echocardiography) Module

This module includes hands-on procedural tasks and clinical cases for the training of Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) exam using a realistic TEE probe. The procedural tasks support a guided step-by-step performance of TEE protocols, including standard views acquisition and anatomy recognition. The clinical cases present realistic scenarios with increasing level of diagnostic complexity. Scenarios include evaluation of native valve diseases, prosthetic valve dysfunction, congenital heart diseases, and thromboembolic risk in patients with atrial fibrillations, infective endocarditis and aortic pathologies. The presented severity of findings can be customized in order to correspond to varied levels of user experience.

Learning Objectives:

  • To become familiar with normal cardiovascular anatomy, as visualized using TEE
  • To learn and gain confidence in demonstrating TEE standard views acquired from the mid-esophageal, trans-gastric, dip trans-gastric and upper esophageal positions
  • To become proficient in operating and maneuvering the TEE probe
  • To gain experience in qualitative and quantitative analyses of the echocardiographic data, using 2D images, M-Mode, color Doppler and spectral Doppler modes
  • To gain experience in recognizing and reporting structural and functional cardiac abnormalities


Anesthesiology, Interventional Cardiology, Cardiac Surgery, Cardiothoracic Anesthesiology, Cardiology, Critical Care, Emergency Medicine

A Fellow's Perspective

How TEE simulation helped Dr. R. M. Wehbe at Northwestern University, Chicago be prepared for the procedure.

RM Whebe talks about TEE simulation

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