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This module offers comprehensive, scaled training for ultrasound-guided thoracentesis, focusing on procedural understanding, skill acquisition and manual dexterity. Trainees can choose between supine or upright positions and practice key procedural steps such as palpation, ultrasound evaluation, needle puncture, wire/catheter insertion and verification as well as fluid aspiration using in-plane and out-of-plane ultrasound guidance. The clinical cases present realistic virtual scenarios such as right pleural effusions in various severities and loculated effusions. The simulated procedure is accompanied by comprehensive educational aids such as 3D anatomical map, step-by-step guidance, anatomical labels, organ puncture alerts and concluded by a detailed performance report.

Learning Objectives:

  • To perform ultrasound-guided thoracentesis
  • To practice ultrasound evaluation of pleural effusion and puncture site selection
  • To learn and gain confidence in eye-hand coordination of in-plane and out-of-plane ultrasound guidance
  • To practice needle puncture in various pleural effusion variations and severities
  • To demonstrate competency of a full thoracentesis procedure from selection of puncture site to fluid aspiration


Critical Care,  Emergency Medicine, Internal Medicine, Interventional Radiology, Pulmonary

Thoracentesis Hands-On Demo By Dr. Eli Karniel

Dr. Eli Karniel - Thoracentesis
Thoracentesis Hands-on Thoracentesis Hands-On
Right-Medium-Pleural-Effusion Right Medium Pleural Effusion
Right-Large-Pleural-Effusion Right Large Pleural Effusion
Out-of-Plane-Approach Out-Of-Plane Approach
In-Plane Approach In-Plane Approach
Supine Anatomy Supine Anatomy

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