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Nephrectomy Module

A Renal Surgery Training Case

The Transperitoneal Laparoscopic Radical Left Nephrectomy simulation module allows surgeons to practice the necessary skills and required components of the nephrectomy procedure. The procedure include steps such as colon mobilization, exposure and dissection of renal hilum and mobilization of the upper pole. As with all simulation exercises, complications may arise and need proper response, e.g. injuries to the renal vessels and their tributaries.

Learning Objectives:

  • To perform adequate mobilization of the colon from the iliac vessels to the splenic flexure
  • To mobilize the spleen
  • To dissect the gonadal vein and follow it to the renal hilum
  • To follow correct tissue planes during dissection
  • To demonstrate appropriate exposure and dissection of the renal artery and vein
  • To demonstrate control of the renal vessels while positioning clips or stapler
  • To avoid failure such as dissection of the postero-lateral attachments

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