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Grasp Wire-Catheter Skills

The Endovascular Basic Skills module allows physicians, beginning their endovascular practice, to learn, practice, and gain confidence in fundamental endovascular wire-catheter and imaging skills, in a self-directed and interactively challenging simulator setting, in both non-anatomic model and anatomical vascular model environment. The module cases are set in game-like environments and allow training in a user-friendly, enjoyable and safe setting. The module also provides practice of procedure-specific techniques, such as bifurcation crossover technique, reversed cannulation of an aortic branch, and stent-graft contralateral gate cannulation.

Learning Objectives:

  • To master the use and manipulation of endovascular tools in both non-anatomical and anatomical settings
  • To gain familiarity with different guidewire diameter/curves and various catheter head shapes
  • To practice wire-catheter manipulation
  • To master acquiring stability of guidewire-catheter-sheath system Endovascular Basic Skills Module Carotid Task Scoring Table
  • To practice performing non-selective and selective arteriography in different anatomical settings
  • To practice acquiring and using a roadmap
  • To practice correct c-arm positioning for optimal visualization of vessel take-off


Interventional Cardiology, Interventional Radiology, Interventional Neuroradiology, Neurological Surgery, Vascular Surgery, Trauma Surgery, Cardiothoracic Surgery

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