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An accurate resource to obtain detailed knowledge of pelvic anatomy that reduces the learning curve of pelvic examinations. A unique sensor system is synchronized with the physical mannequin and a 3D virtual anatomical model. This lifelike simulator provides psychomotor learning and physical sensation of the anatomy.
Features and Benefits:
- A variety of interchangeable anatomies represent normal and pathological pelvic anatomy
- Software customization allows the course director to choose the relevant anatomies and content to be included in the training session
- Performance reports allow the learner and the trainer to review practice results
Learning Objectives:
- To recognize the anatomical parts relevant to the female pelvis by palpation
- To recognize the anatomical parts relevant to the advanced users such as pelvic floor by palpation
Nurses, Nurse Practitioners (NP), Doctors of Nursing Practice (DNP), OB/GYN Physicians, Sexual Abuse Nurse Educators (SANE), Sexual Assault Medical Forensic Examiners (SAMFE)
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