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Obtain the Skill Set Required

The Transradial Cerebral module is intended to promote the acquisition of the skill set required to perform neurovascular angiography and interventions using the transradial approach. Trainees will practice challenging navigation from the radial artery to the carotid or vertebral arteries and perform angiography using a biplane fluoroscopy system.  Pathologies include intracranial aneurysms and stenoses. Moreover, trainees will face common transradial complications such as spasm, radial loop and tortuous subclavian.

Learning Objectives:

  • To establish anatomical knowledge of the radial/brachial artery and neurovascular anatomy
  • To practice performing left and right transradial approach for neurovascular angiography and interventions
  • To practice techniques required to overcome challenging anatomies (tortuous subclavian and brachial loop)


Interventional Neuroradiology, Interventional Radiology, Neurointerventional Surgery

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