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Gall-Bladder Removal With Robotics – Basic and Advanced Cases

The Cholecystectomy Module provides a hands-on simulated way to practice a robotic surgery cholecystectomy procedure with normal anatomy, as well as a complicated cholecystectomy with acute cholecystitis, which includes massive adhesions around the gallbladder, short cystic duct, and a double cystic artery.

The module also offers a guided step-by-step exercise for the Acute Cholecystitis case that guides the user through the procedural steps with visual cues and instructions.

The cases allow the users to acquire skills and knowledge of the key steps in the Robotic Cholecystectomy procedure, including practice of various dissection techniques, clipping and complication management.

Learning Objectives:

  • To learn to perform cholecystectomy safely and efficiently
  • To dissect severe adhesion around the gallbladder
  • To learn how to use the “Firefly” mode, using ICG (Indocyanine Green) and safely dissect the ducts
  • To learn how to handle complex anatomical ducts and arteries

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