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Why Use Simulation for Medical Training?

You probably know that the aviation industry has been using simulators for pilots for many decades. But it’s not as known that simulation for medical training has been used for many years. Surgical Science started to provide simulators for medical training twenty years ago. In 2021 we combined forces with three other medical simulation companies, who together with us, are now a powerhouse of simulation and changemakers within the industry.

Today, residents can use state-of-the-art simulators to get the most out of the surgical, ultrasound or other healthcare profession hands-on training sessions, around the world. It is the main reason a lot of medical schools now prefer simulation as an essential component of training for their residents. Read our testimonials here.

Contrary to misguided perception, the simulators are not solely for beginners. Medical training simulators can now assist experienced healthcare professionals who want to practice different procedures and varied anatomies. No matter how complex or unusual the procedural situation may be, you can train in a safe environment, away from the patients.

Technically, medical simulation refers to a device and software combo that can re-create the virtual experience to either examine a patient with ultrasound (or gastro camera) or treat a patient with the help of laparoscopic or robot surgery.

Today, you can expect a wide variety of integrated features and capabilities in our medical simulators. With the help of a simulator, you can now understand comprehensive procedural operations and controls related to medical examination and treatment. Typically, an integrated module comes with various levels of training from fundamental skills training to complicated procedures and adverse events in realistic settings.

Other Simulator Benefits Include:

  • Enhanced knowledge of a procedure
  • Experience in a variety of diagnostic and interventional devices
  • Improved technical skills and performance
  • Ability to perform critical steps of the procedure
  • Ability to perform errors and practice control of complications
  • Encountering a variety of anatomies, including difficult or rare anatomies, which may otherwise not be encountered during a training period

Our Simulators Are Developed To Improve Patient Safety

Each year, it becomes more apparent that virtual simulation is the best way to ensure the safety of the trainees. In fact, one of the best aspects of simulator-based medical training is the safety and support you receive.

Practice Until You Achieve Perfection

With our simulators, you can practice until you get the desired end-result. When it comes to medical training, things sometimes don’t go as you imagine. It makes medical simulation training a more practical approach to improve your skills before working on patients.

In order to learn and master technical aspects of surgery or other medical processes, the last thing you want to do is rush. With our simulators, you can take advantage of time and understand complex scenarios until you’re confident. Practice, after all, leads to perfection and that is the case with medical training with our simulators.

Content in Different Languages

You don’t have to be a native English speaker to enjoy the full experience of using our simulators. Our simulators come with eight languages. The experience of training on the simulators visually with the state-of-the-art graphics and tactility with our haptics (force feedback) in addition to the translated content makes it easy for residents all over the world to train hands-on skills.

Learn more about our simulators for the different medical specialties.

Get In Contact

Do you want to get in contact and learn more about how we can help you with improving the hands-on skills of your residents and healthcare professionals? Fill in the form and we will contact you.

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