What Do Healthcare Professionals Say About Our Simulators?
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“The involvement of our leadership team at the college (Dean, VP, President) allowed me to get approval for LapSim® ST… I had leadership come in to observe during a demonstration of the lap simulation device. They watched the students interact with the technology, and observed the immediate skills feedback the students received. The student engagement was very satisfying to see. The comments from leadership was amazement at the high interaction. Even before the demonstration was complete, a PO was in the works for two machines!”
Viki Viertel CST, M.S. Program Director Surgical Technology, Saint Paul College
“I have incorporated camera training into the early stages of our students’ learning thanks to LapSim® ST. Having access to such technology gives our students an edge in the operating room as early as their first semester. Along with coaching, the students are able to visualize anatomy through the camera lens and learn procedures in a new dimension. LapSim® ST provides a great accompaniment to my teaching.”
Michelle Muhammad AMicAS CST Surgical Technology Instructor, Delaware County Community College
”At Gulf Coast State College, we have incorporated LapSim® ST into our perioperative programs for the surgical technologist and surgical first assistant. As the student progresses through the tasks and then into the minimally invasive surgical procedures, they get immediate feedback from the alerts on the screen. This not only provides immediate reinforcement for skills development, but also provides an internal alert for cautious and careful placement of the instrumentation to prevent potential complications. The students who successfully meet the camera training requirements are ready to function in the operating room. Lastly, the student gets even more surgical experience because the student already knows the basics of MIS. It is a win-win for all involved”.
Libby McNaron, Professor Coordinator, Health Sciences, Surgical Services, Gulf Coast State College
“The SPC Surgical Technology Program was able to add the LapSim® ST equipment purchase through CARES Act. This equipment will help the surgical technology program transition to a more compelling hybrid program. Students learning online course work will be able to come into the lab and visually see and practice skills in a real-time simulation. The LapSim® ST also comes with a portable add-on option that we can loan to the student to practice individually at home. The portable feature allowed the CARES Act to completely fund the equipment as well as five years of Full-Service contract. Students will be able to complete the college requirement contact hours through this simulation at home, should full distance learning be required.”
Kristie Cole, M.Ed, CST Surgical Technology Program Director/Instructor, South Plains College
“We are using the LapSim® ST for our Surgical First Assistant students to help with their overall dexterity of moving laparoscopic instruments within a cavity. We have used older training devices in the past, but the LapSim® ST has many advantages compared to its competition. Our students are using the simulator to train on skills such as grasping tissue and dissecting anatomical structures, something that we haven’t had with any other units before. Our students love the realistic interactive approach that comes with the LapSim® ST and the immediate feedback they are given after each activity.
We have also allowed our Surgical Technology students to use the LapSim® ST for camera navigation and instrument handling. This has been extremely valuable to our students as they begin clinical. Instead of learning how to move the camera while training in clinical, our students already have knowledge of the techniques needed to move the camera, allowing them to be much more helpful in the clinical setting.”
Aaron Morris, CST, CSA, KCSA Clinical Coordinator, MCC Surgical Tech/Surgical Assistant, Madisonville Community College
“Since purchasing the LapSim ST in January 2020, and incorporating procedural, navigation, and instrument skills modules into our curriculum, our students’ performance during laparoscopic procedures has increased substantially. Prior to the implementation, our students were barely given the opportunity in the operating room to navigate the camera because they had no prior practice in the laboratory.
Now, our clinical instructors and preceptors at the hospital notice how confident our students are in their abilities in laparoscopic surgeries. We have seen a significant improvement in our student’s capability to select instrumentation for specific laparoscopic procedures, to navigate the camera, and to anticipate the doctors’ needs intraoperatively. By becoming proficient in laparoscopic surgery during the program, our students will be able to scrub and assist in laparoscopic cases more quickly once they graduate and become employed.”
Brooke Oliver, CST, M.Ed. Associate Professor of Surgical Technology, Richland Community College, USA