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What Do Healthcare Professionals Say About Our Simulators?

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Nicole Augustyne

“We are pleased to partner with Surgical Science to deliver a standardized interventional pulmonology curriculum, allowing individual programs to offer training that’s been validated through CHEST’s hands-on simulation programs. This partnership is a strong example of CHEST’s commitment to providing essential education and resources at critical times for the chest medicine community.”

Nicole Augustyne Senior Vice President of Education of CHEST
Dr. Gerald Fried

“The Fundamentals of Endoscopic Surgery ™ (FES) is a comprehensive educational and assessment tool designed to teach and evaluate the fundamental knowledge, clinical judgment and technical skills required in the performance of basic gastrointestinal (GI) flexible endoscopic surgery (endoscopy) and sets a validated benchmark of understanding and skill in basic endoscopy,”

Dr. Gerald Fried SAGES Past President and Chairman of the Department of Surgery at McGill University
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