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Scenario-Based Team Training Enhanced With Diagnostic And Interventional VR Simulators

Thanks to all who joined Surgical Science workshop on integrating VR Simulators into Scenario-based Team Training at SESAM 2023. And thank you Dr. Tali Capua for taking that road with us.

We were thrilled to see that 77% of participants who answered our survey would like to implement such enhanced training sessions at their local facilities.

Pericardiocentesis Hands-on

Workshop Description

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We set out to develop and showcase meaningful integration of VR simulators into scenario-based team training, with the goal of encouraging participants to implement such enhanced training at their local centers.

Along the workshop, three virtual patients were ‘admitted to the ER’. For each of them integrated in the treatment algorithm was a diagnostic point of care U/S (POCUS) scan on the U/S Mentor, and a corresponding U/S guided percutaneous intervention on the PERC Mentor. Each case ended with a debrief session, incorporating simulators’ high-level metrics.


Are You Interested?

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So much more can be done with meaningful integration of VR simulators into scenario-based team training, for the benefit of the teams, the individuals and the institutions.

Interested in building your own enhanced scenario-based team training?

We are more than happy to help!

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